City of Peace Films and City of Peace Media were formed in 2009 in Nashville, Tennessee. Both “Sister companies” complement one another by offering artists a unique set of creative services. Includes major physical and digital distribution, record distrbution, artist management, artist development, music publishing, song development, art direction, graphic design, website development, music video production, film production and film development.

City of Peace Media also consults in the following strategic areas: marketing plan development, public relations planning, radio promotion, publicity, advertising, touring and name branding.

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IRON LILLY tells the inspirational true story of motorcycle enthusiast Lilly Farrow who started A.D. Farrow Co. Harley Davidson with her husband Dale. In the late 1920’s, after they start a family and have three young children, Dale suddenly passes away, and Lilly is left alone to run the dealership. As the lone woman in the man’s world of motorcycles, she aims to prove that she can successfully run the dealership on her own. But as soon as she begins to earn the respect of some top racers and starts to turn her business for the better, the Great Depression hits. With the dealership about to be taken over by the bank, she risks it all to serve her customers and community during this bleak time in American history.

The movie takes place primarily in the vibrant roaring 1920’s.With the feel of films like “Seabiscuit” and the “Great Gatsby”, plus the excitement of the early days of motorcycle racing, the visuals promise to be stunning. But ultimately, it is the powerful themes that give this true story its heart. Lilly eventually realized that she wasn’t selling “rubber and steel, but community and belonging”. She was a pioneer in creating the diverse motorcycle culture that continues today as she welcomed people from all sorts of backgrounds…rich and poor, young and old, black and white.

Lilly’s bravery and steely determination against all odds, and her generous compassion for those in her community, will inspire audiences of all types. It offers the non-motorcycle riding audience a unique, fascinating introduction to the incredible camaraderie and generosity of the Powersports community.

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The incredible history of Iron Lilly eclipses multiple decades with a vast and detailed history with well-documented memorabilia in the form of documentation and photos.